Thursday 8 November 2012

Talking about the weather

Well, that's what Brits are famous for, isn't it? Talking about the weather. I promised you Chania today but have decided to save that until tomorrow - as it's then that I move into Chania for the next phase of my stay.

I'm sorry about this, but while it's been an exceptionally cold and wet autumn in Britain, it has been an exceptionally warm and dry one here. I don't control these things...Just yesterday it was around 28C and bright sunshine and everyone is now talking about how strangely warm it is and how it doesn't feel right.

While it might have been warm, it hasn't been wall-to-wall sunshine and cloudless skies. We've had some truly wild winds from the south that toppled outdoor chairs and tables and today a fierce north wind has brought intermittent rain, lightning and thunder rumbling around. The cloud has led to some dramatic skies and sea, including at sunset, so here's my last set of photos from my country retreat.

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