Wednesday 7 November 2012

Sharing the beauty

It feels like ages since I posted an update and I promise I'll stay on the ball for the next few days. Truth is, I've been contemplating that challenge to stay serene in the face of whatever life throws - and actually some considerable progress has been made as I wander among the olives, but you'll have to wait to hear about that.

I'm also blaming the bruised coccyx - imagine me sitting at the laptop perching my generous rear on a solid foam bright turquoise tube-shaped swimming float thingy bent into a circle and tied with string, Blue Peter style. It's worked for me, taking the pressure off my still rather painful base of spine. I've been seeing a brilliant local osteopath/acupuncturist and it's definitely improving. Phew! I began to worry that I might get addicted to painkillers...especially as you can readily buy Ibuprofen in triple strength tablets here!

Anyway, let's go back a bit and catch up with Ella's visit (my 17 year old granddaughter). It was her first time in Greece and on the way from the airport I asked her what she most wanted from her trip. She replied that she would like to see as many different places and things as possible but still have a chance to relax, chill out and do some of her A level work.

Well, the week she was here it decided to rain for three days, but only one involved solid rain, and some days were warm and sunny, so we were able to get out and about.

Our first outing was to the site of the ancient city of Aptera in a stunning hilltop location with panoramic views.

It once housed 2,000 people and has been a town for the Minoans, Dorians, Romans and in medeival times and later became a monastery with a pretty church but a cruel reputation. Apparently, the land is very fertile here and during the second world war when people on Crete were starving, the abbot was hoarding corn and releasing it only to families who sent their pretty daughters to visit.

On our way back down from the mountains we saw a huge buzzard hovering and soaring at really close quarters, which was quite thrilling.

Another outing was to Lake Kournas, the largest lake on Crete, a truly peaceful spot with aquamarine waters and the impressive distinction of having a centre that is too deep to measure, even with sophisticated modern equipment. Apparently this is because it is the site of an ancient volcano.

We took out a pedalo boat and I made a note to self not to fall off into that deep centre...

The pedalo was a great success and Ella declared that a) she wanted Lake Kournas in her back garden and b) she wanted to bring her friends here and take them all out on the pedaloes that had a water slide on them.

All went well until we went a bit too close to the shore at one end and got stuck fast on rocks in the shallow water. Going nowhere.
Ella had to remove her trusty DMs and push us off the rocks with her feet. It took a bit of doing and a lot of giggling but we did get back afloat.
We also had some great times in Chania, but I'm saving that one until tomorrow because there are lots of pretty pictures involved. Meanwhile, here's one of me and Ella, happy sharing the beauty.

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