Tuesday 20 November 2012

Alice Somer Herz and sunshine

I was quite proud of working out how to post a video on the blog (yes, I know, be patient!) But I gather that it can't be opened in i-pad, so in case anyone needs it, here is the link to the video in Youtube

You won't be sorry for taking ten minutes to watch it!

For the last few days here there has been heavy rain here in Chania, sometimes lasting for hours. 'Raining like chair legs' the Greeks say. One afternoon I sat by the harbour and watched the raindrops bounce off the sea, sparkling in the sunshine. And then I saw, out at sea, the end of a rainbow. Aaah!

Anyone who has followed my blog from the beginning will remember the amazing rainbow that appeared on my first morning in Crete in the spring. When I see one, I always feel very cared for, especially by dear Al, who seems to be encouraging me to be happy. Here's a reminder

Anyway, today the sun is shining and the sky is blue so I am going out exploring with my camera and with luck I'll be able to share some nice photos tomorrow.

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