Tuesday 2 October 2012

Back in Crete for the winter

'Do you think you might come back and house-sit for me again in the autumn?' Julie's tentative question when she returned to Crete in May sparked in me a determination to come back. More than that, I felt drawn to stay on after house-sitting and spend at least part of the winter in the old town of Chania. I can't explain it logically, I didn't even have a specific sense of purpose, I just knew that I needed to be there.

Every plan starts with a thought and now my thinking has materialised into action. I arrived in Crete on 18th September - the day before my birthday - and spent nearly two weeks in holiday mode. My companion in this was Colm. We both wanted to walk the Samaria Gorge and that seemed reason enough to arrange to travel and spend time together.

He left on Sunday and now I am staying once again at Julie's house catching up on work, writing a travel feature about Crete and enjoying my hostess's company until she leaves for England on 9th October.

While she's away I'll be in charge of her house, two dogs and three cats for a month and after that I will move on to Chania. I've found a lovely room in the heart of the Old Town where I can write, read and engage with the world.

I arrived with intentions of posting blog entries during the initial 'holiday' period but I turned out to be having too much fun to take the time, so over the next few days I'll get my news up to date. Meanwhile here's a nice pic of sunset from Julie's balcony.

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