Monday 14 May 2012

Power to the girls

It's exam time for Ella and Daisy, the eldest of my five lovely granddaughters, by whom I am proud to be known as Ya-ya (Greek for Granny). They are both in the first year of the sixth form and, as always in our school system, are feeling under pressure to perform. Good luck to you both, I will be thinking of you - and tomorrow I will return to a beautiful little church I found recently and light a candle for your success.

The church is dedicated to St Anthony, who is said to have resisted all manner of temptations to stray from his intended tasks and to have been sought after for enlightenment, so there you go girls! This tiny building is in the town of Kalyves and is built right into the rock. I've never seen an altar screen with lovely, simple flower paintings like this one. It gives the church a light, feminine look, so perhaps it was painted by a woman, which would seem very appropriate.

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