Friday 11 May 2012

Awesome Turner sunset

The light in Greece is, as everyone knows, sharp and crystal clear, making all things seem vibrant, new and sharply defined even when, like some of the venerable olive trees around me, they have probably been there for aeons. However, today is cloudy. Yes, just like England, the light here is grey with rain threatened. I have to mention this because I know that the entire population of Britain is thoroughly fed up and depressed by rain, which started on the day I left the country and seems hardly to have stopped.

However, I cannot pretend that grey is normal here - and certainly the weather performed brilliantly every day that Jo was staying with me. One of our evenings on the terrace was blessed by a truly awesome sunset, even in Greek terms. It was the kind of sky that makes you gasp, shout with excitement, reach for the camera and talk about Turner. No wonder he was so inspired by the elements, by the constantly changing interplay of sky and water. This is the really big stuff that our beautiful world performs for our humble pleasure and exhilaration - and maybe as a gentle reminder that really, for all the vicissitudes of our human existence, just being alive on earth is a privilege and joy.

Sunset over Souda Bay

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