Tuesday 24 April 2012

Cretan flora and fauna

At this time of year Greece enjoys a brief but bounteous spring. The winter rains have turned everything green, there's a flourish of growth from the flora and a palpable drive to reproduce among birds and other fauna. Everyone's out to display and play, so my walks are surrounded by a myriad delicate flowers in long grass and accompanied by a rippling choir of birdsong - all seizing the day before the fierce summer heat turns down the pace and volume, before the flowers burn to brown and the birds are drowned by cicadas.

I think my favourite flowers are the bright poppies beneath the olives beside my garden

but these delicate thistley things are also pretty cool - and so are the tiny blue and orange flowers that are either varied expressions of the same plant's joy of living or simply best mates

I always have to stop and smile when I pass this neglected but happy plot of land on the way to the village.
So what about animal life, aside from the dogs and cats? Well, the other morning a brilliant green lizard scuttled across my path and then I spotted a strange lizardy thing that looked almost like a snake with legs, a hybrid creature that moved awkwardly and slowly. Neither of them were familiar, but after some research I can introduce you to.....

The Balkan green lizard, which is the largest lizard in Crete, a truly handsome dude and a real fast mover. I hope he/she hangs around longer next time our paths cross. And below is the ocellated skink. Strange little creature, but quite harmless and shy. The one I saw had lost its tail, so looked real stumpy. BTW, these lizard photos are not some miraculous product of the humble phone camera that I rely on - they are from this website: www.cretanbeaches.com/Fauna/Reptiles/lizards-of-crete/ for all those who want to know more about Cretan reptiles. You know who you are....

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